Analysis of sexually transmitted infections in PrEP users: population assessment in Curitiba, Brazil


  • Maria Julia de Moraes Campos Roth Universidade Positivo – Curitiba (PR), Brazil
  • Mariana Rothermel Valderrama Universidade Positivo – Curitiba (PR), Brazil
  • Julia Schemberger Acras Universidade Positivo – Curitiba (PR), Brazil
  • Marjorie Goetz Moro Universidade Positivo – Curitiba (PR), Brazil
  • João Victor Borges Lehmkuhl Universidade Positivo – Curitiba (PR), Brazil
  • Daiane Cristina Pazin Universidade Positivo – Curitiba (PR), Brazil



Sexually transmitted infections, Pre-exposure prophylaxis, HIV


Introduction: The pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a globally recognized pharmacological approach, consisting of a daily dose of antiretroviral drugs used
to reduce the contamination rate by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This combined prevention program was first offered by the Brazilian public
health system in 2017 and was provided by Testing and Counseling Centers. Objective: To analyze the profile of pre-exposure prophylaxis users seen at Testing
and Counseling Centers in Curitiba (state of Paraná, Brazil) and the presence of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, such as syphilis, hepatitis B
and C, in these users. Methods: This is an analytical, cross-sectional study, using database provided by the information system of the Testing and Counseling
Center. Results: Users of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis are mostly young, white, single men, and who are part of the group of men who have sex with
other men. It was verified that, even though the HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis plays a major role in HIV prevention, it is paramount to encourage combined
prevention, considering there is a significant relationship between the lack of barrier methods and positive results for syphilis. Conclusion: No connection
between the use of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis and increased incidence of sexually transmitted infections was established in the present study


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How to Cite

Roth MJ de MC, Valderrama MR, Acras JS, Moro MG, Lehmkuhl JVB, Pazin DC. Analysis of sexually transmitted infections in PrEP users: population assessment in Curitiba, Brazil. DST [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];33. Available from:



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