Action-research with truck drivers about sexuality and STD/Sida


  • Carlos Roberto Lima dos Santos
  • Sonia Maria Villela Bueno


truck drivers, STD, Sida, drugs and pre-vention


Professionals from health area are trying to wake up at the population a critical and reflexive sense about sexuality and safe sex, also concius preven-tions for STD/SIDA and drugs. ln this way we stu-died a specific part of population that seems was forget . We called it "caminhoneiros" ( truck's d r i-vers). Just because oftheir life stile and profesional condition they are closer to be contaminated a n d to get DST /SIDA and other s ickness easyly. We worked an action research with truck's drivers lookin g for their sexuality, drugs and STD/SIDA problems. All the informations was colle cted by questionaries and privat e interview too. The a nswer s showed that t hey have a very active sexual behaviou r and m os t of them don't have clear and o bjetive informations about STD/SIDA. They know a little bet about preservative as a kind of prevention but they prefer do not use it. Most of them, alredy had STD and it is clear that they can't identify the sinals and sympton ofit. About sex and sexuality they really don't know much about this, they don't a know the difference between one and other for them it is the sarne and could be call sexual intercourse. During the interview we can feel that they really want and also need more informations about STD / SIDA, drugs, sex and sexuality specialy because of the risk they found out in the road. After all inves-tigations it is clear does not exist such information about STD/SIDA between them and it is necessary to have na education program about these questi-ons, but the most important is to develop these pro-gram with a participative actions of them. 


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How to Cite

Santos CRL dos, Bueno SMV. Action-research with truck drivers about sexuality and STD/Sida. DST [Internet]. 1999 Dec. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];11(1):11-2. Available from:



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