Sexual activities before and after the Carnaval and the risc of acquiring DST/ HIV/Aids, in Rio Branco, Acre -Brazil


  • Creso Machado Lopes
  • Jose Manuel Moraes Rigau


Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Acqui-red Immunodeficiency Syndrome, campaigns of pre-ventions, carnival, Sexually behavior


Transversal analytical poll, covering 752 fo-liões (carnival players) in Rio Branco - Acre -Brazil in the year 1997. The subjects were 409 (54.4%) fe-males and 343 (45.5%) males. The oldest subjects ranged from 20 1-129 year of age and comprised 44.4% ofinformants. Of all subjects, 70.0% were sin-gle. And the topics investigated were aspects of the sexual behavior and the risk of catchin g DST / HIH and Aids before and during the carnival period. The-re was no significant increase of the number of se-xual relations but tbere was na increase in the chan-ge of partners. The habit of carryng condoms was stronger during the carnival. it was verified virtue of the use condoms. The campaigns of prevenction were evaluated as excellent and good by 87.7% of the informants.


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Author Biographies

Creso Machado Lopes

Prof Dr., Departamento de Ciências da Saúde da Universi-dade Federal do Acre

Jose Manuel Moraes Rigau

Prof Dr. Visitante d e Departamento de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Federal do Acre.



How to Cite

Lopes CM, Rigau JMM. Sexual activities before and after the Carnaval and the risc of acquiring DST/ HIV/Aids, in Rio Branco, Acre -Brazil. DST [Internet]. 1999 Dec. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];11(3):21-6. Available from:



Original Article