Assistance given to the “carriedmasculinebeing” of the HPV

contributions of nursing


  • Marcos A.M. Arcoverde
  • Marilene L. Wall


human papillomavirus, man, nursing


Introduction: currently the infection for the HPV is considered one of the DST most frequent in the whole world. However, it is disrespected in theprevention between the men. The proposal of this work was to promote a study on the infection of the HPV directed to the masculine population. Objective: to know the assistance given, the “carrying masculine being” of the HPV and its relation with this illness, the diagnosis, the treatment, theprevention and the quality of life. Methods: one is about a qualitative research, whose referencial of analysis is based on the “analysis of the rela-tions”. Result: the quarrel of the results brought tona the inadequação of the assistance to the men, and some of its feelings front to the infection forthe HPV. Conclusion: necessity of reorganization of the strategies of health enters the considerações salient it, directing them it the assistance to thehealth of the man.


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Author Biographies

Marcos A.M. Arcoverde

Enfermeiro pela Universidade Federal do Paraná. Membro da Coordenação deDST/Aids do Município de Pinhais-PR. Membro do Grupo de Estudos Família, Saúde e Desenvolvimento.

Marilene L. Wall

Mestre em Assistência de Enfermagem pela UFSC Professora do Departamento de Enfermagem da UFPR.



How to Cite

Arcoverde MA, Wall ML. Assistance given to the “carriedmasculinebeing” of the HPV: contributions of nursing. DST [Internet]. 2005 Jul. 10 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];17(2):133-7. Available from:



Original Article