Behavior of the youngs from a university of the south of the Brazil face to a prevention of the diseases sexually transmissible and pregnancy


  • Fernanda G Souza
  • Janaina C De Bona
  • Dayani Galato


sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy unplanned, sexual behavior, sexuality


Introduction: the sexual behavior of young can propitiate the appearance of DST/HIV and pregnancy. Objective:to analyze the behavior of theyoungs from a University of the South of the Brazil, face to a prevention of the pregnancy and diseases sexually transmissible.Methods:it wasaccomplished a study traversal with the two first existing semesters from a course previously assorted. It was selected a focal group, with the leadersof the class, to the validation of the research instrument and perception of the theme. The questionnaire validated was applied to the students belon-ging at the courses and for people e that had assented to participate of the research. A data base in the EpiData program was created and the statisticalanalyses of association had been carried through in the EpiInfo. Results:it was interviewed 322 youngs between 18 and 25 years. The total of 305students, 86.9% were sexually active. Their first sexual relation occurred on average to the 16.4 years and the other 77.1% (of 258 people) had thefirst sexual relation to his/her boyfriend. The number of sexual partners was on average 2.6 being that the use of condom in the last sexual relationwas not observed in 36.4% of the interviewed ones. Of the youths with sexual activity, 98.3% they used some contraceptive method. As regards themethods for prevent DST, 32.8% referred to use methods as pill of the following day and interrupted coitus. Significant associations between genrehad been found and the type of sexual partner of the first relation; genre and number of sexual partners; condom use and the type of partner and; useof condom with the fact to have received orientation medical. Conclusion:the youngs had greater concern with a pregnancy and do not know themethods that prevent the Sexually Transmittable Illnesses.


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Author Biographies

Fernanda G Souza

Acadêmicas do Curso de Farmácia – Habilitação em Análises Clínicas.

Janaina C De Bona

Acadêmicas do Curso de Farmácia – Habilitação em Análises Clínicas. 

Dayani Galato

Professora do Curso de Farmácia – Núcleo de Pesquisa em Atenção Farmacêutica e Estudos de Utilização de Medicamentos – Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina.      



How to Cite

Souza FG, Bona JCD, Galato D. Behavior of the youngs from a university of the south of the Brazil face to a prevention of the diseases sexually transmissible and pregnancy. DST [Internet]. 2007 Mar. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];19(1):22-9. Available from:



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