The introduction of HPV vaccines in Brazil

advances and challenges


  • Carla Magda Allan Santos Domingues
  • Ana Goretti Kalume Maranhão
  • Michelle Flaviane Soares Pinto


The impact of the human papillomavirus (HPV) infection all over the world is considerable. Its importance as a public health issue is demonstrated by its high frequency, association to uterine cancer (mostly), and clinical implications, besides the psychological impact on the affected people(1). More than one of two women have been exposed to HPV throughout life; 10% have the virus in its chronic form, and, among these, one of five women has a chance of developing uterine cancer without screening tests or in case, the examination is flawed(2,3). It is worth mentioning that uterine cervix cancer usually affects women aged around 40 years, at a time when their family, professional, and social responsibilities are significant(4). [...]


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Author Biographies

Carla Magda Allan Santos Domingues

General Coordinator of the National Immunization Program at the Ministry of Health.

Ana Goretti Kalume Maranhão

General Surrogate Coordinator of the National Immunization Program.

Michelle Flaviane Soares Pinto

Technical Consultant in the General Coordination of the Na-tional Immunization Program.




How to Cite

Domingues CMAS, Maranhão AGK, Pinto MFS. The introduction of HPV vaccines in Brazil: advances and challenges. DST [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 20 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];27(3-4):67-72. Available from:


