Acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome

what do adolescent students know about its mechanism of transmission?


  • Suely Mokarzel do O. Linhares
  • Joana D'Arc P. Mascarenhas
  • Alexandre C. Linhares


SIDA (ou AIDS), Colegiais, Adolescentes, Transmissão


Questionnaires concerning various situations on the AIDS transmission were presented to 298 adolescent students: 81 (27,2%) attending public government's institutions and 217 (72.8%) from a private school. ln addition, the sarne questions were presented to teachers working in the sarne schools. The frequency of correct answers in the first group was of 70.9 % and, in the second, of 82.0%, among teachers, corrected answers were yielded in 76.9 % of the situations. The highest frequencies of incorrect answers were associated with questions related to blood donation: 54.8 % ot participants answered that AIDS could be transmitted to a person who donates blood in a transfusion bank; in addition, 57.9% of them consider blood donors as belonging to a high-risk group, comparable to both homossexuais and drug addicts.


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Author Biographies

Suely Mokarzel do O. Linhares

Secretaria de Estado de Saúde Pública do Pará

Joana D'Arc P. Mascarenhas

Instituto Evandro Chagas, Fundação Serviços de Saúde Pública.

Alexandre C. Linhares

Instituto Evandro Chagas, Fundação Serviços de Saúde Pública.



How to Cite

Linhares SM do O, Mascarenhas JDP, Linhares AC. Acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome: what do adolescent students know about its mechanism of transmission?. DST [Internet]. 1991 Apr. 7 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];3(2):39-42. Available from:



Original Article