The homosexuality among prisoners women and the vulnerability to STD/AIDS
prisoners women, homosexualism, prevention, STD/AIDSAbstract
Background: it is common lhe prnc1ice of homosexualism without prevemive care in women's prison, favoring the vulnerability 10 STD/AIDS. Goa ls: correlate feminine homosexual practice 10 lhe HIV and STD transmission by contamined blood and sexual secretions: 10 guide favornble behavior 10 selfpro1ec1ion and sexual pannership in and outside lhe prison. Method: we worked wi1h 16 prisoners. (06) heterosexuals and (10) homosexuals. 18 10 34 years old, mosl of them are mothers, single, low education level, dealears. in prison in Sao Paulo's interior. We developed rescarch-action humanist and qualitalive, opened queslionairc, taped in cassetes, transcription and analysis of lhe lines. Results: prisoners think AIDS and STD are frightening. fatal and, ahhough they value prevention, the most do not use any during lheir intercourse. When they do. they fail in many points and rarely it is taken with their sexual partners. There is, among the aclive homosexual, one prisoner who is soropositive 10 HIV. Toe heterosexuals do not seem 10 show any prejudice aboul lhe homosexualism in prison. Fidelily is valued and expec1ed between couples and jealousy leads 10 quarrels. A significative number of homosexual women has already been related 10 men when not in prison. Conclusions: Toe reincidence in crime and detention. favor lhe lransmission and the swap of partners. Many of their future cases will also share the use of necdles and syringe when using drugs. they will be panncrs in traffic and 01her crimes, increasing this women's vulnerability 10 STD/AIDS transmiled via blood and sexual.